
We host an Annual Golf Outing and Open House to raise the funds that we are able to give to a family who has recently experienced their child passing away. This year our event is on:

Saturday, August 24th 2024

Please note: Golf is NOT required to attend the open house. You can attend one or both of the events (adults only please)


Golf Scramble

Start time: 8:00am

Location: Chalet Golf Course - Cary, IL

Donation Amount: $125 per golfer/$500 per 4some (includes golf, lunch, dinner, drinks, and silent auction)

If you are interested in the golf portion please email Chris Johnson at mail@chrisjdesigns.com or call 815-847-8733 for further information. You can also download the registration form below.

Payment: Cash, checks (make out to Kennedy Leigh Foundation) or payments can be made HERE via Paypal. Payment is preferred before the day of the outing.


Open House

Start time: 3:30pm (adults only please)

Donation Amount: $15 per person
(includes dinner, drinks, 50/50 raffle and silent auction)

If you have any further questions please contact Catherine Johnson at c.annalisajohnson@gmail.com or RSVP below.