Help a family in need.
Since our first fundraiser in 2016, the Kennedy Leigh Foundation has been able to raise about $70,000! All of these funds have gone directly to families enduring the loss of their child to help cover any medical, funeral, unexpected expenses, and to help maintain future events. To date we have been able to help 17 families since year one! This past year we were able to donate over $8,000 along with other helpful resources to a family who lost their baby girl. We can't even begin to tell you how much joy it brought to us to be able to help these families in such a tangible way in honor of Kennedy's life. The Lord has showed us how He will continue to use Kennedy's life to impact others and bring glory to Him despite our Kenny girl not living her life on earth. This most current fundraiser in August 2023, we have raised about $12,000 and are praying over the next families already who will receive these funds. Thank you all again who were so instrumental in the success of our fundraisers over the past 8 years! Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about where your money is going.
Click the button below to donate on Paypal.
Please note: We have not reached non-profit status but it's a goal of ours in the future as we continue to raise awareness and grow. . Thank you for your ongoing support!
You may also donate by check. Please make checks payable to:
Kennedy Leigh Foundation
216 Hickory Road
Oakwood Hills, IL 60013